
Soloshenko V.V. The Experience of Overcoming the Consequences of the Policy of National-Socialism. External Affairs. 2016, №8. P. 28-33.

National Socialist robbery, alienated art, trophies of war - are components that today, with a new force, shake the society, professionals. And not only historians and art historians, but also politicians and diplomats. The article raises an important and still unresolved problem of displaced or forever lost cultural values. The research was conducted on the fate of certain lost works of art, which for many years had been considered to have disappeared without a trace і лише у XXI ст. продовжують повертатися до своіх власників або їх нащадків.

Ключові слова: політика націонал-соціалізму, наслідки, відчужене мистецтво, переміщені, втрачені культурні цінності.

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