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Міжнародна конференція молодих учених «Актуальні проблеми історії, філософії та права у дослідженнях молодих учених» покликана залучити до обговорення актуальних проблем історії, філософії та права молодих науковців, тим самим сприяти подальшим науковим пошукам молодих учених і популяризувати соціогуманітарну науку.
Електронна наукова бібліотека створена Державною установою «Інститут всесвітньої історії Національної академії наук України» та використовує програмне забезпечення EPrints 3, що вільно розповсюджується під ліцензією GNU та розроблене в Університеті Саутгемптона.
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The State Institution «Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine» was created by the Decision of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on September 21, 2011, No. 266, on the basis of the Institute of European Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in order to provide more favorable organizational conditions for conducting fundamental and applied research of the dynamics of the world-historical process, the study of historical ties of Ukraine with the countries and peoples of the world, actualization and implementation of advanced world civilization experience in the practice of social, political and cultural life.
Modern challenges faced by the Ukrainian state and society under the conditions of modernization and globalization, put forward in front of the national academic socio-humanitarism, in particular, before the historical science, new promising tasks concerning the scientific support of Ukraine’s integration into the world community, the preparation of practical recommendations aimed at taking into an account the world historical experience in the implementation of social-economic and socio-political transformations.
The main task of the Institute is to conduct and coordinate fundamental and applied research on the problems of the world historical process, cultural and civilization development, and on this basis to develop recommendations to the state authorities on the strategy of Ukraine’s integration into the world community. Accordingly, the main directions of scientific research of the Institute are as following:
- Theoretical problems of the world historical process.
- History of the countries of the world. History of International Relations.
- World cultural and civilization development.
- Socio-political and cultural relations of Ukraine with the countries of the world, analysis and forecasting of development of these relations.
In its activities the Institute closely cooperates with the state authorities of Ukraine, ministries and departments in working out the analytical and forecasting materials on the problems of international relations, Ukraine’s relations with the countries of the world, studying their experience in the context of reforming and modernizing our country.
At the head of the Institute is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Andriy Ivanovych Kudryachenko, the well-known in Ukraine and abroad specialist in the field of world history and international relations.
СТАТУТ Державної установи „Інститут всесвітньої історії Національної академії наук України”